The Transportation Innovation Act explained
The increase in temperatures in visual form.
Hi there,
As we worked on legislation in advance of the session for 2022, I spent the majority of my time crafting a piece of legislation entitled the Transportation Innovation Act. This bill is meant to act as a vehicle (pun intended) for progressive climate solution driven (I mean really the puns are just inevitable) policy changes that will become a part of the Transportation Bill. The Transportation Bill is colloquially known as the TBill and is the large omnibus funding bill that the House Transportation Committee works on for the majority of the session.
This bill builds on the work of the Vermont Climate Council - centering the need for bold, equitable climate policies that save Vermonters money and reduce emissions at a rate the crisis demands. It includes innovative policy choices to reduce carbon pollution, moves us in the direction of electrified transportation, creates solutions for all Vermonters to have safer and better transportation, and updates policies to further promote bike and pedestrian travel. All of this comes at a time when the federal infrastructure package money will be possibly leveraged, and the bill prioritizes the use of federal funds in all cases.
Mobility Equity
Expands programs like Replace Your Ride, Mileage Smart, emissions repair vouchers, and electric bike incentives. This bill also recognizes the possible increased administrative costs to cover additional marginalized community outreach. It also updates to a tiered program for income for the electric bike incentives.
EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment aka electric vehicle charging stations) Grant Program specifies priority locations that will make it easier for all Vermonters to have access to electric vehicle charging infrastructure, with an emphasis on low-income communities and renters.
Continues zero-fare public transit for FY23.
Our mini Advance Transit bus from session in 2020
Transition to Zero Emissions Vehicles
Creates a grant program for electric school and fixed-route public transit buses.
Increases the requirements for state fleet adoption of EVs where applicable.
Calls for an updated report on the Level 3 and Level 2 EVSE deployment.
Stands up an EVSE rebate program for Level 2 chargers for workplaces, multi-unit dwellings, municipalities, educational campuses, and state-owned properties as well as Level 3 chargers for workplaces and multi-unit dwellings Program design was inspired by Nevada’s EVSE grant program.
Requires large employers to provide Level 2 chargers for employees.
Adds language to provide proper accounting of EV adoption under Tier III programs.
Rep. Kathleen James and I at an Electric Vehicle Event!
Innovation and Efficiency
This bill reaffirms financial and policy support to grow the Mobility and Transportation Innovation Grant program, with larger grants for micro-transit projects.
Requires large employers to meet standards of transportation demand management.
It creates 3 new positions within the Policy, Planning, and Intermodal Development Dept to ensure the right staff levels to deliver on programs.
Establishes a Mass Transit Authority and further study of Commuter Rail.
Taking the train with Sen. Alison Clarkson
Requests the creation of a Vehicle Efficiency Price Adjuster, or feebate, language new to this bill but builds from previously introduced legislation from Sen. Andy Perchlik and recommendations in the Climate Action Plan.
Bike/Pedestrian Travel and Smart Growth
The bill removes accommodations for not meeting Complete Streets requirements and adds standards for shoulder widening for safer bike travel.
It establishes the Pedestrian Safety Pilot called for in Rep. Kari Dolan’s bill from the 2021 session.
Expands municipal grant programs like Transportation Alternatives Program, Better Places, and Better Connections.
Me on my trust bike in downtown White River Junction (helmet out of frame!)
Read about it in a recent article by Claire Potter the Climate and Environment reporter for the Valley News here. The bill is shortly to be introduced and I will let folks know the bill number when it is ready. At this moment there are 59 co-sponsors on this piece of legislation!
Thank you for reading,
Rep. Becca White