Rep. White’s Priorities for the 2022 Legislative Session
Photo from 2019 Legislative Press Conference on Climate Action
Hey there,
I picked the photo above because it brings me a lot of joy, and highlights the three keywords for me this legislative session- EQUITY! ECONOMY! And ENVIRONMENT!
I also look back at this photo and realize the world before and now with COVID19 is totally different. I’ll be virtually meeting with colleagues to start the session for the next two weeks and when we are in-person we will be masked, vaccinated, and socially distant. COVID19 has changed all our lives dramatically, and just like you, I too feel burnt out and exhausted by the rollercoaster of this pandemic. Let’s continue to hold steady and be leaders on following the science here in Vermont!
Here are my priorities:
Growing up in Wilder my family was paycheck to paycheck at best, and the support social safety net programs and public education provided me are the reason I live comfortably today. I also know I live with countless privileges because I am a white cis-gendered healthy woman. Equity to me can be explained by this quote “We don’t make good choices, we are given good options.” Every Vermonter needs good options!
Affordable healthcare and paid family leave expansion. This includes mental health as health care!
Social equity works to remove structural barriers for lower income Vermonters and break down institutional racism.
The worker and employer social contract is broken, the expectation that your pay for the labor you provide is no longer a clear proposition. COVID19 has laid bare disparities, and the economy that is responsive to worker shortages is one that centers essential workers’ safety and prosperity.
Affordable housing at all levels- supporting unhoused Vermonters, first-time home buyers, seniors scaling down, and working to respond to market pressures pushing Vermonters out of being able to afford homes in our communities.
Access to high-quality and affordable childcare.
Expanding internet broadband access.
Climate change is widespread, rampant, and intensifying. Making sure we meet our commitments from the Climate Action Plan is paramount for future generations and young Vermonters like me.
Spearheading the Transportation Innovation Act ***
Growing home weatherization funding for all Vermonters to lower energy bill costs.
What am I missing Hartford?
*** Learn more about the Transportation Innovation Act in coming blog posts. I’ll have a full write up on the policies and benefits to our community.