Transportation Equity and why it matters
Comic on the way to envision transportation equity.
When considering issues involving transportation, it's important to make sure everyone's voice is brought into the conversation. Transportation equity aims to ensure investments into our cities and infrastructure don't favor people who use certain forms of transit over others. "Transportation equity describes a system for getting people where they need to go that allows all to have access to everything that's included in a fulfilling life", said Sebbi Wu, VPIRG's Climate and Racial Justice Associate. "It enables multimodal transportation, so that people can feel comfortable and safe walking, biking, driving, and using public transit. ... Transportation equity is access to the modes of transportation that folks want to use, and it allows them to get to places they need to go to enjoy their lives. That means access to grocery stores, economic opportunities, healthcare, childcare, school, all kinds of stuff."
In regards to how far Vermont has come in terms of transportation equity, that's still an open question. Some businesses, such as Old Spokes Home in Burlington and the Equity Coalition they've formed, have gone far in helping foster transportation equity, however this does not mean it is embedded in our institutions. "There are a ton of challenges related to transportation equity in Vermont", said Sebbi, "It's really difficult to get where you need to go without a car, even if you live in Burlington or one of the more urban areas. … I think it's good that the state is looking into what a statewide transportation equity framework might look like and how we can pursue it on a more holistic basis, because I think it's something we don't have a great grasp on."
Transportation equity is also linked to Vermont's efforts to combat climate change. The recently passed Transportation Modernization Package aims to reduce carbon emissions as well as make sustainable transportation methods more accessible, among many other things. In the future, Sebbi would like to see "more initiatives like those included in the Transportation Modernization Package that really center climate and equity, and make the transition away from fossil fuel dependency easier for everyone in the transportation sector". He added, "we can reimagine how our infrastructure works to help mitigate the effects of the climate crisis. The crisis itself is having devastating impacts on our infrastructure, so to the extent that we can incentivize and enable people to utilize transportation and other infrastructure that allows us to have a healthy relationship with our climate and our environment, that is a worthwhile goal. We have our work cut out for us here in Vermont. We have plenty of unique challenges, but I think we can do it."
Supporting initiatives and policies like the Transportation Modernization Package is one of the best ways to help achieve transportation equity on an individual level. Additionally, little things like carpooling with neighbors or friends to the grocery store not only reduces carbon emissions, but could also provide access to reliable transportation to people that might not have their own. If you are looking for ways to help in Vermont's journey towards transportation equity, consider reaching out to Old Spokes Home's Equity Coalition or Sebbi Wu at VPIRG ( for ways to get involved.